
常见问题和解答 FAQs


1. 关于等级认证 | Exam Information

Q. 如何参加等级认证?
A. 可通过区域代理机构或网站查询当地的报名地点,然后下载报名表。具体报名流程:

Q. 我可以复印RSL图书吗?
A. 我们的出版物有版权保护,禁止翻印。但是在等级认证过程中,允许学生携带复印件,仅供翻页使用。在等级认证结束之后,考官会把复印件收走。除上述情况之外,严禁考生携带任何重新编曲、排版或重新录入的Rockschool曲目乐谱(包括SOLO乐段)参加认证。

Q. 等级认证费用多少钱?
A. 费用取决于学生在哪个国家/地区参加认证。中国大陆地区的费用请见这里

Q. 每年有几次等级认证?
A. 每年有三至四次等级认证。具体时间请见这里

Q. 我可以自己安排具体参加认证的时间吗?
A. 不可以。我们会尽力安排学生在最方便的时间、地点、日期参加等级认证。考官全部由英国派出,各地代理机构统一安排时间。

Q. 等级认证的时间安排是怎样的?
A. 面对面认证:等级认证在周一至周日进行,每天早上九点至下午六点半,或下午一点至晚上八点半。实时认证:为配合时差,实时认证从北京时间下午2点半开始,至晚上9点半结束,周一至周日都会安排。

Q. 我提前多长时间能收到通知?
A. 至少提前四周通知学生参加等级认证的时间。如果学生未收到确认,请务必及时和报名机构联系。

Q. 报名之后可以更改参加认证的时间吗?
A. 学生报名的时候可以跟报名机构提出哪天不能参加认证。报名确定之后都要上传系统并进行排期,再进行更改是非常困难的。我们可以尽量进行调整,但是不能保证一定能调整成功。

Q. 等级认证在哪里进行?
A. 在中国大陆,等级认证在指定的教学合作单位(即指定认证场地)进行。请见这里

Q. RSL指定认证场地,是RSL直营或分公司吗?
A. RSL本身不从事教学与培训业务。RSL指定认证场地,与RSL没有任何隶属关系,是独立的第三方机构。但RSL会提前对场地设施进行合规检查和人员培训,以保证第三方机构能按RSL的强制政策为每位考生提供公平、公正的认证场所,帮助考官完成工作。

Q. 是否为有特殊需要的学生提供支持和帮助?
A. 我们为有特殊需要的学生提供帮助。请在报名时说明(例如:需要轮椅、或者考生是惯用左手者,需要有工作人员帮助调整架子鼓的摆放位置等)

2. Rockschool等级认证的准备工作 | Preparing for a Rockschool Exam

Q. 我该如何知道自己是否已经准备好参加等级认证了?
Q. How do I know if I am ready for my exam?
A. 我们建议考生在参加测试之前应有充分的信心,对等级书所包含的所有内容了如指掌,并且经常与他们的老师交流。我们建议自学考生到老师那儿参加一些培训课来确认他们是否已经准备好。
A. We advise that before entering an exam the candidate should be confident and proficient in everything contained in the grade book and always talk to their teacher. We advise self taught candidates to have a few lessons with a teacher to check if they are ready.

Q. 参加Rockschool等级认证时,我是否需要参加理论考试?
Q. Do I need to have taken a theory exam, to sit a Rockschool exam?
A. 不需要,我们不需要考生在参加Rockschool等级认证前参加理论考试。
A.No. We do not require candidates to take a theory exam before doing a Rockschool exam.

Q. 我是否需要从启蒙级开始等级认证,还是说我可以参加任何一级的水平认证,比如第五级?
Q. Do I need to start from the beginning (entry level) or can I go in at any level, for example: grade 5?
A. 根据中国大陆区域性政策,为满足教学质量要求,不跳级参加等级认证。在报名认证前,请和老师充分做好交流。
We do not encourage or recommend candidates to jump grades (mainland China regional policy to meet the requirement of quality-teaching). Please communicate with teacher thoroughly before entering Rockschool exams.

Q. 什么是”自选曲目”?
Q. What are Free Choice pieces/Free Choice elements?
A. 自选曲目是挑选Rockschool等级认证教材之外的曲目参加测试。对于综合素质等级认证,每个等级(启蒙级除外)都挑选两首自选曲目。对于表演证书等级认证,可以挑选三首自选曲目。关信息请见这里
A. A free choice piece is the alternative to playing a song from the grade books. Each Grade (except Premier) has two free choice options. Performance Certificates have three free choice elements, except Premier. Read more

Q. 是否需要现场翻译?
A. 为了保证全球统一的公平性和公正性,所有的考官均从英国派出。如果考生本人不能用英语和考官交流,则需要在报名时申请使用现场有偿翻译服务。全部口译人员由RSL中国办公室负责培训和派遣。Rockschool不允许学生家长或老师担任现场翻译工作。使用现场翻译的申请必须在报名时提出,以便认证场地进行安排。

Q. 我需要一些关于等级认证技术性方面的建议,我该怎么做?
Q. I need some advice on the technical aspects of the exams. What should I do?
A. 我们有吉他、贝斯、架子鼓、乐队键盘和声乐的配套指导书。此外,我们还有吉他/贝司/鼓专业《技术手册》,该书为老师和考生提供等级认证相关的技术问题、所有吉他的音节、琶音和考官现场提问的例题。
A. We have companion guides for Guitar, Bass, Drums, Band Based Keys and Vocals. We also have a Guitar Tech Companion which gives extra support and guidance for teachers and candidates on the technical sides of the exam, all the scales, arpeggios and the unseen tests for guitar. The syllabus guide for each instrument has a breakdown of the technical requirements for each grade.

If you are still unsure, send us an email to info@rslawards.com.cn and we will do our best to help you.

3. 等级认证期间 | During the Exam

Q. 我是否需要携带教材来参加等级认证?
Q. Do I need to bring my syllabus book to the exam?
A. 是的,你需要带着正版教材来演奏曲目。

A. Yes, you will need the book  to play the pieces. Please note that effective from 1 May 2016, all candidates who will sit in the exams in mainland China must have a paperback Rockschool book relevant to the grade.

Q. 我需要携带什么设备?
Q. What equipment do I need to bring?
A. 认证场地会提供一些设备,比如扩音器、成套架子鼓。
The centre will provide backline equipment for your exam i.e. amplifiers and drum kit.
Guitar and bass candidates must bring their own instrument and leads and we recommend bringing spare strings. If the candidate is using FX then we suggest you use batteries, where possible.
Drum candidates must bring their own sticks. For grades 6, 7 and 8, drummers can also bring their own cymbals, hi hats, or entire kit. If the candidate wants to bring their own kit, they must notify Rockschool when they enter.
Vocal candidates must bring their own microphones but only from Grade 4 upwards.

Q. 在等级认证中我是否需要伴奏录音?
Q. Do I need to play to the backing track in the exam?
A. 是的,考生将跟着伴奏录音进行表演,需要携带相应的等级认证教材。考官负责播放伴奏录音。
A. Yes, the candidate will perform to the backing tracks and will need the grade book to play from.

Q. 在演奏自选曲目时,我能否使用复印的乐谱?
Q. Can I use photocopied sheets for my free choice piece?
A. 考生需携带两份自选曲目的复印件,包括一份表演乐谱的原件和一份给考官的复印件。
A. Candidates must bring two copies of music for the free choice piece; an original copy of the tune for the performance and a second copy (photo copy) for the examiner.

Q. 我迟到了,或者未能按时参加认证,可以补考吗?
A. 请务必至少提前半小时到达考场。如考生迟到且下一考生已经进场,或因临时原因未能参加认证,考生需要全额重新缴纳100%认证费用,以便重新预定考官的工作时间进行认证。

4. 等级认证之后 | After the Exam

Q. 我什么时候能得到等级认证结果?
Q. When will I get my exam results?
A. 考生将在等级认证之后最迟两个月内收到结果。如果超过两个月仍未收到结果,请联系认证场地。
A. Candidates will receive their results a maximum of 8 weeks after an exam, if it has been over 8 weeks and the candidate hasn’t received their results, contact us.

Q. 我把等级认证合格证书弄丢了。我可以申请补发吗?
Q. I’ve lost my certificate. Can I get a replacement?
A. 可以的。下载并填写我们的证书更换表格部份,并按上面的步骤进行操作。每张证书的更换会花费200人民币,并会在上面标明”更换证书”。
Yes. Download and fill in our Certificate Replacement Form section and follow the instructions within. Replacement certificates cost RMB200 each will be marked with the words “Replacement Certificate”.

Q. 证书上的名字拼写错误,可以更换吗?
Q. The name is incorrectly spelt on the certificate. Can I get a replacement?
A. 证书上的名字都是在线输入的,如果是我们录入过程中发生了错误,我们会进行更改。如果考生在报名时提供的姓名有误,造成证书上的名字拼写错误,则考生需要支付200元人民币来更换印有正确名字的证书。

A. Certificates will have the spelling of the name as it is entered during the online entry process. If we have made an error we will replace it.
If the name on certificate supplied is found to be incorrect there is a cost of RMB200 to replace the certificate with the correct name.

Q. 我该如何提出申诉?
Q. How do I make an appeal?
A. 请发邮件至:info@rslawards.com.cn, 我们有专人负责处理中国大陆地区的申诉。
A. Please send email to info@rslawards.com.cn and we have delegated people to deal with appeals in mainland China.