2018-2024 电贝司第6级 Rockschool Bass Grade 6 2018-2024
- 和弦、双音打弦、拍子记号变化
- 五种小调五声音阶、多里亚调式、米索利地亚调式、Minor 7{b}5 和Diminished arpeggios. Dominant 7th and Minor 7th 和弦
- 风格学习
- Session work
- Description
- 曲目
- 勘误

第42-44页风格学习中,以下内容缺失:BLUES为和弦,高八度演奏;FUNK是Slap and Pop演奏,按十六分音符指弹演奏;ROCK是十六分音符指弹节奏型和连音演奏。
Pages 33-38TV Out The Window
– The rehearsal letters have been updated in this piece. The walkthrough has been updated to reflect this. See file: RSK051216_Bass_G6_TVOutTheWindow_13Aug2013.pdf in the _Errata folder of the downloadable content. (Updated 13 August 2013)
How do I download the updated audio?
Pages 11-16Pop It In The Top
-The second 16th note of beat 2 in Bars 46, 48, 50 and 52 (p.14) has been corrected to D natural and the phrase has been re-tabbed so that the F and Eb are played on the A (3rd) string. Fig.2 of the walkthrough (p.16) has also been amended to reflect the same change.
How do I download the updated audio?